![]() "Where Bendzes come together"
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A community for Bendzes"What on earth is this", you might ask yourself. A community for people who's last name is Bendz. How can there be any money in that business?The answer is, there isn't. From an economical perspective this page is a meaningless disaster. However, I always wished there was such a service where I could get mail and web-forwarding for free so when I got a chance to set up a site for a small fee, I decided to make the service I had always wished for.
What do you have to give in return?What I offer is both mail and web forwarding at no cost for anyone who's last name is Bendz. I will use commercial ads to try to cover the expenses. Please click the advertisements to support the time and money I spend on this project. If you want to give a voluntary contribution, it is warmly welcome but I prefer if you donate the money not to me, but to Amnesty International or the WWF.That is all I ask for you to get free E-mail and web forwarding. If you are in desperate need of a POP account and Web host, we can work something out. Just contact me. The address is in the menu to the left.
What's in this for me?Thanks to the great offer by nomonthlyfees.com, I only pay 200 dollars for a lifetime web hosting with 200 MB of disk space and an almost unlimited number of E-mail accounts. The only money I have to pay from now on is $35 a year to InterNic for the domain name bendz.net.In return I get the opportunity to create this web-place, have a permanent URL and E-mail address for as long as I live and the joy of making people happy (if your name is Bendz that is). Obviously, I don't do this for the money. If that was the case, I would have made a Smith or Jones site. Instead I hope this page will give me a chance to communicate with people who's name is Bendz, all over the world. It also gives me a great opportunity to learn CGI programming and experiment with the possibilities Internet has to offer. If I learn to know a distant relative because of this site, it will be worth every penny (cent and öre) and every hour spent on BendzNet. No, I change my mind by the way, it will be much more worth than that!
Support this site!If you like the idea of a Bendz Community, please register today for free E-mail and web forwarding and come back often to see who's new and if there has been any new services added. If you are a computer programmer and have suggestions for scripts to improve this page I urge you to contact me. At the present I have to administer everything manually, so a script where the user can change his or her password etc without my help would be welcome. |
Spelling errors, free E-mail forwarding, web forwarding, questions, suggestions, ideas? Contact BendzNet |